
I met Jack through a social meet up and since we’re very like minded people, we immediately clicked. He is a good, old-fashioned gentleman. Which a lot of us strong, sensible ladies know the world is lacking these days!! When he told me what he does, I found it interesting, but never thought I would be interested. Then, life happened, and mine happened to fall into a whirlwind of disappointment and stress with my job, home, family and with my love life.

I felt like I needed something to give. I was experiencing anxiety for the first time in my life and turning to toxic relationships just for a little bit of release. He made me feel very comfortable, he was very chivalrous, and discussed all boundaries ahead of time. I had an amazing experience and I can’t wait to do work with him again in the near future!

Ladies, if you have stress, anxiety, sexual trauma, or just want the comfort of a caring, passionate man, Jack is your man!
